Ms. Anna posted about the "Questions Game" and I volunteered to participate. Low and behold I was chosen. So here goes...
1. If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
Actually I'm not sure, I really like my name. Maybe Alexis?
2. What is the best compliment you have ever received?
My sister-in-law told me the other day that I was a "good wife".
3. What do you do to cheer up when you're sad?
I clean. Theres something about accomplishment that makes me feel so much better.
4. What is your favorite book, and why?
I have so many. The most important book I ever read was Created To Be His Helpmeet. It was my guide to discovering God's purpose in creating me.
5. Is your life different from what it was five years ago, and how?
Of course, I think most people would answer yes to that one. Five years ago (May 2002) hubby and I were living with my parents in their attic. I think we were both feeling some strain from that. We were wondering if we would ever find a house of our own.
---------Fast Forward to August 2002 when we closed on our home.
Now I'm supposed to continue the game and ask for volunteers to answer 5 more questions, of my choosing. Step right up....if you dare!
How to Second Ferment Kefir
5 years ago
Thanks for your answers, Bethanie! I also like to clean, or bake something, or do any kind of work, to cheer up when I'm sad or grumpy.
Your welcome...I'm not getting any takers though.
I'll take...:O)
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