Recently my husband and I jumped into the 21 century. We bought a computer and got hooked up to internet. Here I am with daily access to my blog again. It is now open for all to see. Of course there will be some rennovation going on to update the look and the blogroll. I'm excited to make my comeback post about Tammy's Recipes "Making Your Home A Haven". Todays topic is about getting enough sleep. My husband has to get up at 3:00 a.m. to go to work. I get up with him and help him as much as I can to get out the door by 3:30. He goes to bed at 7:00. He loves for me to come to bed with him. The issue is I'm a born night owl. I stay up until 9:00 or later. Get up in a few hours, then go back to sleep once he leaves. What I should be doing is going to bed with him and staying up after hes gone. Those hours in the morning could be used for many things. For example blogging. So, I resolve to go to bed at 7:00 p.m. and stay up in the wee hours of the morning. I do enjoy a good sunrise.
Wow, that is an early start to ones day!! :)
Yes, but I like this schedule more than our former one. Before he worked third shift and I was home all night alone. Now he's home by 2:30 in the afternoon and we have much more time together.
Cannot even imagine you sitting to lunch when I finally roll outta bed!!
Because we live in a metropolis, my husb'd is up-and-at-em by 5AM, just to beat the traffic. Luckily for me, he likes some time of quiet solitude in the morning, too.
Laura Lou, love that name, if I do stay up after he leaves I eat two breakfasts. One right after he leaves and then another at a normal time.
Whoo that's pretty early! Good luck! :)
Yikes, 3:00 a.m., I have barely gotten to bed at that time! I'm a night owl and not a morning person. I would imagine you could get tons of things done throughout your day by starting it that early. You go girl!
I did it. So far....
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